Littering Diss Track
Sergio D.
Ahtziry U, Dylan M, Fate C, Adrian B
My school had an issue with littering and a lack of respect for our shared spaces. When I saw all this garbage and trash wrappers around campus, it disheartened me. As I value a clean and positive space, the sight of trash scattered around campus motivated me to make a change in our school. I took action by writing a song aimed at encouraging students to clean up after themselves. I wrote lyrics intended to be both memorable and meaningful, hoping to create a call to action positively. I used my role in our school’s “3 O’Clock News” club, which broadcasts news weekly to the entire school, and pitched my song idea to my clubmates, and together we created and aired a music video. Fortunately, the response was amazing as students and staff enjoyed the song, and it was clear that it affected the community as littering visibly decreased.
I believe creativity is creating something with thought, effort, and authenticity. Being able to invoke feelings in music and having integrity in your lyrics means creativity to me. In addition, being able to solve a problem in a unique way such as music or other mediums.