The Dark Rose

Lisette N.

Charcoal and erasers

  • I created this art work when I was in Freshman year. I feel like it's one of the most well done pieces I've done even if it is quite simple. It has definitely help me become the artist I am now. I believe it was one of the most important pieces I've made as an artist as I was really trying to see what I could do. So when we were tasked to do this as a project in art class, I was scared since in previous years I've never really done major art pieces like this. When I look back at it, I find myself in great shock. What I see in this simple single dark rose is the start of my art journey coming out from the shadows and into the light.

  • To me creativity means letting your wildest, craziest, original ideas come to life in what ever way you can just as long that you're the maker and you feel the passion, inspiration and drive to make it happen.


The Elephant


The Common Vampire Bat