
Areyto P.A.

  • I am Areyto P.A., and in 2022, I captured my photograph titled "Diaphanous" using a Pentax K1000 with Portra 400 film. The name "Diaphanous" was inspired by my uncle's immediate exclamation upon seeing the photo, and he encouraged me to submit it for this grant opportunity. At the time I took this photograph, I had recently discovered the rule of thirds, and I was eager to incorporate it into my craft in the hopes of enhancing the aesthetics of my work. To achieve the desired effect, I crouched down to get both bars in alignment with my younger sister, creating the illusion of her being much larger while emphasizing the difference in size between her and the other children in the frame.

  • Creativity is my escape from the demands of work, school, and family responsibilities. Creating something I love lets me forget my stress and contribute something to share with my family and friends.


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