Wrong Lane

Janet A.

  • Title: Wrong Lane

    Medium: Acrylic Paint

    This acrylic painting of a winding road between trees is an idea I had for a while. I took many reference pictures for weeks until finding the perfect one to help get my idea across. The painting does have a deeper meaning. It's meant to represent the feeling of guilt, specifically the guilt of not living up to what you want yourself to be and feeling like you're on the wrong path. In the painting, we see cars both driving away and driving in our direction. Those cars that drive away, the cars in the same lane as the perspective all have red lights on the back, while the cars driving in the opposite direction have white lights. The white light, aside from being what is actually on cars, is meant to represent strived-for-perfection, that is never on your side, you only see that perfection in others (the other lane). But however the cars in the other lane would see your light as white, and the light in their own lane is red. It just goes to show we're all in the same boat at one point or another, and even the people who we feel have it all together, who are on the right path, still don't always feel they're doing things right.

  • Through art of many forms I've been able to find something that's calming and though on many occasions may be time-consuming, makes time fly. I've been involved in many forms of art but visual art is something I've been doing my whole life; it's an outlet and a form of expression.




Tattooed Barbie