Two In One
Riana D.
This piece was inspired by the intersections of the natural world and mankind. I experimented with different techniques and methods to give the work an unreal feeling. The rocks and ground are hatched with more detail, but when one's eyes trail upward, the composition seems to "lose" a bit of its intricacy. This represents how humanity believes that in their blind race to the top, branching and reaching out, consuming everything in a passionate craze, they will somehow dull their inferiority and prevail. Despite this shortsightedness, humans and nature have always been one, and will continue to be, forming one picture, one scene, and one world. Trees have their roots, and people---well, they have people.
My creativity is an outlet for me to convey parts of my life using different textures and styles. I like that art is malleable and can be completely up to the artist's hand, creating depth on 2D, and adding color to black and white. It truly is a culture that transcends the shortcomings of humanity.