Freedom Fighter

Steven G.L.

  • Art as a whole has no boundaries, the moment you set your pencil on a paper, you're bound to always create something new. This ultimately ties in with my natural workflow; I don't stress about the outcome but rather the merit each artwork hopes to receive. The process of creating an artwork for me is creating something with a personal bounty, some can be small while some can be big, but as long as I drew 2 or more lines on a canvas, I'm good to go. Often times, some restrict their ideas from ever going on to paper, but my ideals say otherwise as I tell myself: an idea should always be sketched, then refined. The whole premise of my creative process is not letting an idea go to waste ever and just go for it. It's also essential to work with what you have, even if it's not much because one day, your work may inevitably go big. Those are the factors that fuel my motivation to proceed and turn a sketch into a composition, which in the end resulted in this artwork that went hand in hand with fashion design.

  • Expressing my creativity impacts my life by scaffolding a pathway for the near future, and if as little as a pencil is able to to that, I'm willing to take the chances. Art in all its forms is quite literally allowing me to open a creative outlet for ideas to be executed through one stroke at a time.


Tree of Life of the 7th Dimension

