... breathe / A Simple Life

Steve C.

  • “… breathe” and “A Simple Life” are two separate poems that both encompass the theme of life. When writing these poems, I wanted to show my own interpretations of this rather subjective topic.

    In “… breathe,” my main goal was to share how even though life is different for everyone, we all share something in common: we only have one life. No matter what we do in our lives, what we experience, or how we feel, life is a gift that shouldn’t be lost. The only way to preserve this gift is to breathe.

    In “A Simple Life,” I wanted to capture the complexities of life by highlighting some defining features in each stage of life. However, I wanted to depict life as simple as possible to contradict people’s beliefs that life can be complicated and overwhelming. Instead, life can be approached in a very simple manner.

  • Creativity allows me to experience emotional freedom that I don’t find anywhere else. Whether it is through music, writing, or visual arts, creativity fuels my ability to share my emotions and connect with others while going against the flow of traditional thinking and interpretations.


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