The Hot Dog Man

Chase F.

  • I took this picture in Manhattan on a hot day in late summer after apporaching the man selling me a hot dog and asking to take his portrait, granted he spoke little English. He then instructed me to wait before taking the picture with his hand, so I stood there, not knowing whether he wanted it or now, however, after some time he instructed me to take a picture as he was putting the ketchup on. This man was the kindest street vendor I've come across and didn't scam me or overcharge, like almost all other street vendors in Manhattan. I loved his smile and demeanor. This photo was taken on a Nikon Film Camera and developed over the course of many hours and trial and error.

  • Creativity means ignoring all societal boundaries and judgement of others to me. I think that it is important that you find creativity from within, and then express that through the world around you. Creativity is completely interpretive--Whatever you like, I can guarantee someone else will as well.




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