The Skeletons
Prutha P.
Acrylic paint
The inspiration for The Skeletons came in the middle of my graphic arts class, as I was doodling in the corner of a worksheet. I wanted to create something that represented the internal conflicts that myself and thousands of other teenagers struggle with. Over 40% of high schoolers in the United States suffer from feelings of hopelessness, loneliness, and insecurity. With the stress of high school, impending college life, and the intensity of adolescence in general, we teenagers often forget about the happy and positive things in life. We focus entirely on the negative, isolate ourselves from others, and always find ways to undermine ourselves. With my paintbrush and this piece, I want to remind my audience that your feelings of insecurity and self-hatred are just an imagination right next to you; they are not reality.
Creativity can mean many things, but in its simplest form, it is just making your thoughts and ideas into reality. If you have ideas for a painting and you take the effort to conceptualize and take it past being a thought floating in your mind, then you are being creative.