Reflection Pool (Narcissus)

Emaan Q.

Acrylic Paint, Acrylic Paint Markers, Mirror, Hammer, Resin

  • To create this piece, I first took a hammer to a mirror, shattering it then pouring resin over it to keep each piece secure. This idea of a broken mirror symbolizes the shattered feeling when looking at a reflection, capturing the insecurity and emotion behind this piece. Then I painted a portrait of myself looking at my reflection, with a frustrated and helpless expression, expressing the desire to change myself, to fix all the insecurity I feel when looking at my reflection. A feeling of angst washing over me, wanting to throw the mirror and smash the reflection into a bunch of tiny little shards. This piece is a juxtaposition of the Greek myth of Narcissus, the irony of him falling in love with his own reflection is not lost as I grew to hate my own.

  • To me, creativity means the ability to put a story out there, something that impacts the audience and showcases a central message expressed through artwork. My creativity is shown through my self-expression, artwork that represents personal experiences that others can relate to.




Masked face