The Silhouettes of Sundown

Mia T.

  • I originally took this picture for a project in my photography class but since then the picture has stuck with me. I think it is so beautiful, the way the light diminishes the trees to just a dark outline. I think it represents in life how some people are overshadowed by others. The angle is from a corner almost like the person is hiding in the shadows. Like someone is being pushed into a corner because the light of someone else is too bright. I love the way the light has a sort of ombre effect because it looks so pretty and shows almost layers to the light like it is a mixture of many things.

  • Creativity means to me to use what you have and make it into something great. It is about being resourceful and being able to use limited materials and resources to make a piece of art. It is about finding the beauty in things that maybe people constantly overlook.


One Small Step


shutting down