Metal Stairs Shelf

Angelina S.

Metal, black spray paint

  • Everything is art, and art is everything to me. I find art in the mundane, in the shattered glass downtown and in my neighbor’s bright tulips. I create because it makes me feel a deep sense of pride, like I’ve done something meaningful, even if it’s simply drawing in my sketchbook. I’m inspired by my past creations and by highly creative people in my life: my mom, teachers, and my cousin Vee. I was inspired to create this shelf because I wanted a way to display my small art works, and what better way to do that than to build a piece of furniture that’s a piece of art in and of itself. Made entirely of metal, my stairs shelf is something I’m extremely proud of. It’s 17"x21"x5," and combines creativity (the miniature stairs) with functionality (the shelf). To design it, I used a 3D modeling software called Rhino. I CNC plasma cut my flattened layout on scrap sheet metal (to save resources) and used an electric saw and small shears to cut the steel rod railing. I then bent every piece in exactly the right place to ensure all levels of the staircase lined up when stacked. Finally, I MIG welded everything together (including 32 hand cut steps!) and polished the shelf with an air grinder. I find comfort in the fact that, through art, I’m leaving a little piece of myself out in the world, giving people a glimpse into who I am and the life I’ve created.

  • Creativity is my way of expressing who I am and how I see the world. I feel most free when I create because there are no rules to creativity. My art is a reflection of my imagination and of every moment that has led to my here and now.


Brood II

