Faces in the Wall

Sophia S.

  • At first glance, someone may look at this decaying building and not think much. But I find that the contrast between the natural beauty of the blue water vs. the broken windows, rusting metal and vandalism actually creates something really eye-catching. I've explored a lot of abandoned places in the Bay Area and taken a lot of pictures, but I chose this one specifically because I like the main visual interest of the graffiti face. The eyes seemed to stare at me while standing in this spot and I knew I had to take a pic.The lines seem to point at the face and the sun streaming on the floor adds something more to it. I edited the colors slightly, given it a warmer, more rustic-tone.

  • Creativity to me is anytime a person finds a unique perspective in whatever it is their passionate about, and is able to capture and record their perspective in their own way.


Drowning in Dreariness


Yuba River Whitewater