Coming of Age

Kacy W.

  • I love this photo because is a great representation of childhood and coming of age. My childhood bestfriend was in town visiting and we decided to go on a little adventure to point reyes. When we were there we found an abandoned barn and decided to explore further. My friend Darby, with adventurous spirit within her decided to climb on the roof. As we continued to look around the barn I found this window and asked if she could hang her feet within the frame. I think this image is visually compelling and represents a great coming of age narrative, as my friend and I have also grown up together but grown apart when she moved. Nature can connect people in ways nothing else can and bring back memories from the past that you wish to hold forever. This image depicts the harsh realities of growing up, when often we get to busy focusing on things we can't control. This image demonstrates that it is ok to take a step back an enjoy the little moments life bring us. Sometimes you just need to let your inner child come out.

  • Creativity means to me the ability to explore experiment and not be afraid to try new things


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