Anonymous is a Woman
Sasha K.
I wrote this piece as a reflection of two intertwined works: on Virginia Woolf’s “A Room of One’s Own” (hence the title) and Hèlene Cisoux's concept of "écriture feminine”—yet it's not a direct application of her theories of free-flow feminine writing because I did partially stick to the "rules" of poetry. However, despite the poem's lines in strict 10 syllable counts, there's an uneven number of lines—17— hopefully bringing some sense of disruption to poetry's formalities. The second line's "abstract" was originally "Rembrandt," but I wanted ensure that there was less of a reliance on male artists within my poem. While I briefly considered replacing his name with that of a female artist, I chose against that because it would undermine the message of the poem as a whole.
Creativity means the ability to create something using the most basic tools or starting with the most basic idea. It's being able to convey complex emotions, thoughts, stories in ways that are original or build on works that already exist.