feel me, what I've learned about love

Giuli F.

  • I made these pieces when struggling with different challenges in my life. I deal with a mix of mental health issues that I do my best to portray in my art and use to my advantage, and I often find this to be a great comfort. If I have nothing else, I will always have my creativity. All of my art comes from or represents some kind of emotion. Sometimes these emotions are intense and even accompanied by unreasonable thoughts. Other times they are epiphanies or healing processes. No matter where my art comes from within my emotional experience, I always appreciate that I have the representation to hold on to.

  • Expressing my creativity has saved my life. Whether I'm doing it through makeup or fashion, drawing or painting, or writing, creativity has been the most important part of my life for as long as I can remember. When going through difficult times, I would use my art to vent and release my emotions.


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