Light at the Overhead of the Tunnel

Maya W.

  • This was originally shot for my school's Multimedia Art class for the prompt, abstract. We were given a list of prompts to capture photos of that correlate with each prompt. However abstract was one I particularly struggled with, confused on how to capture something one can't immediately recognize. I took photos of too many things on campus from numerous angles but I couldn't get it right. It was a while until I had looked at the direction the sun was shining and experimented by taking pictures of areas bathing in the sun which eventually led to me finding the bench I must've walked past at least 5 times that day.

  • Exploring & expressing creativity has been a big stress reliever for me, an escape from the world. When I get into creating something, I get infused in the process. Though sometimes a process can be stressful when stuck, sticking through to see the end result is almost always satisfying.


Me In Yellow Leaves


The Man of Mystery