holy ghost

Tavi G.

  • This photo is part of a series I made called "Alone with The Town," in which I explored the streets of Oakland at night, enjoying their comforting loneliness, and capturing their eccentricities. There's so much going on in this photo, and that's why I love it so much. Every time I look at it I notice something new: a ghostly figure backlit by a shining cross; a little cactus pressing his hands against the glass; in the far right, a meeting between two faceless strangers. And, where the endless silhouettes paint the picture, the smooth background of the street provides the canvas.

  • In my opinion, creativity is more about the idea than it is the final product. It's about coming up with an idea or a message, and then a unique way to share it with the world. In photography, I'm constantly looking for ways to use my surroundings to represent my ideas.


Textured Shadows

