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Who Am I
My original poem is about my struggles as a biracial woman with no help to navigate the word. In this poem I talk about what I heard growing up. Starting with how I looked making me not fit in. I then talked about how people said I didn’t act a certain way, the way society expected me to act.
This was one of my first poems. At the time it was written, I had just recovered from a serious medical emergency which led to a whole mental and physical reset. One night I got the urge to create something, but I didnt know what. So I decided to try using a poetry prompt I found which said "Write a poem that has the title 'Fires'." I got to work and am very happy with the result :)
Lucky Year / House of Cards
Lucky Year/House of Cards illustrates the adolescent grapple with identity through the female lens, and the things we do to conform to societal expectations. Inspiration for this piece of writing is rooted in my experience being a woman and navigating adolescence, witnessing myself and my peers undergoing struggles relating to our identities and what exactly it means to be a woman.
A Celestial Confrontation
This is a science fiction piece of writing. It tells a short tale of my character, Ravana Slade in battle against a mysterious foe. I’m talented with many writing styles, however, this specific piece is written in Hindu Puronics.
The Voyage
When writing "the voyage" I was focused intently on creating a vivid image in the readers mind, as I believe that truly great stories use this too create a unique version of the story in the readers mind. I used wording in which I would not typically use, but fit the strange, psychedelic feeling I was aiming for.
Voice Suite & The Aching Silhouette of a Protea
These two poems mean a lot to me. They're two of the first poems I wrote that I ever truly loved. They're two poems that I think encapsulate how I feel about the world quite well.
Everywhere Quack Quack
My neighborhood has many ducks. I enjoy watching them waddle through the streets in the summer as they slow down the pedestrians and drivers. They seem to be always at peace while we as humans are impatient.
Two Poems: Landscape of Youth and Magnetism
Magnetism is about the draw and pull of attraction and Landscape of Youth is about the pain and devastation of bad memories. I find writing poetry to be calming after a stressful day at school or other activity.
I like to write about topics that me or other people can relate to, I enjoy experimenting with how I write poems and what I decide to write about.
Whispers of Hope: A Verse of Resilience
This poem talks about the importance of finding or even searching for hope when all or most is lost. During the writing of this poem, I felt very disheartened as I was experiencing a writer's block.